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Electricity (78)
Hotel San Rafael
San Rafael, 34km from San Isidro. 3 hect. Infrastructure for tourism, two swimming pools, lake, house and 3 cabinas. Restaurant, 3 tilapia lakes, chicken coop, area ready for soccer field or more building good fertile soil. $400,000
3.1 hct+ river
This is a 3.1 hectares property, it is located just 7 km from San isidro . It has pasture, a little mountain, it boundaries the beautiful Pedregoso River in the back of the property, there are several building sites and flat land for planting fruit trees or for buiding a green house The topography is …<p class="read-more"> <a class="" href=""> <span class="screen-reader-text">3.1 hct+ river</span> Read More »</a></p>
6hct. Pedregoso
6 hectars in Villa Nueva de Pedregoso. Borders the river Pedregoso. 3.5km from San Isidro Center.
1 3 hct. In San Ramon sur
1.3 hectareas en San Ramon sur About 15 minutos from San Isidro Center Electricity, water $100.000
El Mamonal-4hct.
aAgreat land for tropical fruit in San Pedro. It has already 200mamonchinos, Mangostán, Mango and citrus La esperanza de San Pedro creek, 2 springs 40mn de San Isidro 10 years no chemicals Cabin & Rancho Water and electricity $140,000
Turnkey farm Delicias de Pejybaye
A turnkey functioning and fertile farm 700m altitud Almost 1 hour from San Isidro Creek that runs through the whole farm 1 hr from Ojochal through Zapote Basic house: 5 rooms, 2 living rooms. VERY basic and a useful place to be while constructing Grass for cows and horses Caña, yuca , frijol, banano,plátano, frijol, …<p class="read-more"> <a class="" href=""> <span class="screen-reader-text">Turnkey farm Delicias de Pejybaye</span> Read More »</a></p>
Finca in Vergel south of Ojochal 3.5 kms from the coast highway. Has electricity and water across the road Borders with rio Punta Mala with several swimming holes. Approximately 10 flat hct. To develop. . Surrounded by the river, yearlong spring with abundant water. 69hct. of brush and mountain, lots of animals. Some areas …<p class="read-more"> <a class="" href=""> <span class="screen-reader-text">Vergel</span> Read More »</a></p>
Restaurante El Roble
El Roble, restaurant with 2 cabins. 5 tilapia pondstwo swimming pools, one for adults and the other for kids. Surrounded by river Serene Value $350.000
30hct. La Perla de Baru
A beautiful farm in La Perla de Baru, Pérez Zeledón, 30 hectáreas. 40 minutes from paved highway. Electricity and municipal water are close. Pasture and forest. Has impressive . Yearlong springs. Easy access. Beautiful panoramic views. $250,000
Fruit tree haven In Cajon
A fruit haven in the mountains. 5.6 hct all planted with mature fruit trees. Rambutan, Avocado, Mangostán, Jaboticabs, Pejybaye among others. Located in Tambor of San Pedro, Pérez Zeledon. 5 minutes from paved road, public services. Spring, Creek, electricity and water. 800m altitude.
1.5 hct in Special Neighborhood
Calle Granados is a sweet neighborhood. Private and spread out, friendly people collaborating in permaculture projects, raising children and cookouts. 1 5 fairly plane fertile land with river. 10mn from the Waldorf school in Rise and 10mn from Finca Quetzalcoatl in Montecarlos A magical private spot while close to community and friends. The land has …<p class="read-more"> <a class="" href=""> <span class="screen-reader-text">1.5 hct in Special Neighborhood</span> Read More »</a></p>
Luxury land with Ocean Views
Luxurious land, 3 hectars, 600 meters with ocean view Pasture, hills and water springs. Water and electricity. $250,000